A life of the least is not less a miracle. Choose life.
Being an only child, I seldom need to ask for things from my family. Stuff is given to me without me asking (at least when I was younger). Living such comfortable life, I tend to think of me, myself and 'I', my future, my plans. Mine, mine, mine! So many times I would just look at those folks who are doing better than me and compare. There are always smarter, taller, prettier girls out there. Thinking about them could eat my heart out.
Last month I got a chance to join a team of missionaries, awesome brothers. The team went to visit the kids who live the garbage dump and also villages of immigrants in the jungle. There, I found the most precious people, lovely and sincere. I fell in love with them.
I started thinking of what God himself sees the small ones who most people ignore. God sees them lovely and precious the way He sees you and me. I want to have that heart of God and those loving eyes of him.
A couple weeks later after I got back from the mission trip, I've found out about a one precious life,
Wassana. At the age of 5 months old in the womb, Wassana was almost murdered by her own mother. Her mother took the poisonous mixture. Do you know that a 5 month old fetal is big, it has fingernails and you can hear its heart beating already? Her survival is a miracle. The abortion that one time made her become like this. The girl is now 7 years old but she's only as big as a two-year-old. She cannot walk, cannot speak. She only lies in bed waiting to be fed. Our small group has known her grandmother. On a visit, we found out that she was very very sick, so we took her to the hospital.

Wassana's mom left her right after she gave birth. Her grandma was the one who raised up the girl. Everyone can tell that the old lady really loves her niece. But because of her job as a dish cleaner in a small food place, she has no money. That's why she was scared to take the girl to the doctors, she knew she wouldn't be able to afford anything. She'd kept Wassana at home and we're sure she's been taking the best care of the girl. Of course, that's not enough, the girl really needs the doctors. When we found her, she was suffering sputum in her tiny lungs. We sent her to the hospital.
Thank God we could get her the rights for disables which saves us the money for hospitalization.
It's heart-wrenching, I know. The consequences of that one time decision impact an innocent girl's entire life. It brought me back to my memory. I actually knows someone, she's dearly close to my heart and once was told to get rid of her own baby. Back then, at the age of 15, having no father for the child, she could have chosen the abortion. The solution of the world. I'm thankful she was strong and stood her ground to keep the baby. Her boy is now a blessing and a hope to her and to me.
Two points to ponder...
First of all, what we can do is we can speak up for
The world is telling us it's okay to get rid of babies. It cuts off all other troubles. We've heard enough, haven't we? But
we need to stand for the least.
The holy Bible says "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute."--Proverbs 31:8. And in Matthew 18:14, it says "
In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish." Fight the battle when you can.
Second of all, I need your prayer. I believe in God's miracles. Many times we see something as too big and impossible but don't forget our God cannot be underestimated by our own understanding. Prayers of the saints are powerful. Would you take a moment to pray for Wassana? Pray for this little life of miracle. I wanna see her walk and talk and grow!
Please also pray for the mothers who are about to get an abortion. Pray that they'll change their minds. Pray for the innocent little ones of God.
May God bless you.